Anmol Singhal

Ph.D. in Societal Computing at Carnegie Mellon University.


TCS Hall

123 4665 Forbes Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA, 15213

I am a first-year Ph.D. student at the Software and Societal Systems Department at CMU where I am advised by Dr. Travis Breaux. My research interests include document processing, legal language understanding, and machine-guided requirements engineering. During my Ph.D., I aspire to build LLM-powered assistants that can aid human experts ensure the legal accountability of software.

Prior to CMU, I was a researcher at the Requirements and Contract Analysis group at TCS Research, India where I worked with Dr. Smita Ghaisas and Dr. Preethu Anish on addressing real-world problems in contract management. I graduated with a Bachelors in Computer Science from IIIT Delhi in 2021, where I completed my thesis as part of the Multimodal Digital Media Analysis (MIDAS) Lab. During my Bachelors, I was also a part of the Human-Machine Interaction (HMI) Lab and the Knowledge Computing and Reasoning (KRaCR) Lab.


Aug 12, 2024 Started my Ph.D. at CMU advised by Dr. Travis Breaux. Exciting times ahead! :sparkles: :smile:
May 23, 2024 My work on Clarification Question Generation for Disambiguating Contracts accepted as a full paper at LREC-COLING 2024. See you in Torino! 🎉